She wrote a wonderful letter to Max in her blog, Babies and Beasts. Please, if you have a moment, stop by and read the letter.
Adventures of a Labramoose
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Goodbye, Max
Hi, this is Owen's Mom. I wanted to let Owen's readers know that a wonderful pet owner in Texas had to let her beloved American Bulldog mix, Max, cross the Bridge this morning after he was diagnosed with lesions on his brain.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mommy winned a contest!
My Mommy winned a contest! She gets a $25 gift card to Buzzy's Bow Wow Meow thru the website of a local radio station, 95.7 Ben FM. She sent in this piktur of me an' her, and a short story 'bout how we came to be together and why I'm such a great doggie.

Mommy reely likes Buzzy's store, because he reely tries to promote doggie and kittie adoptions. He even has a couple of rooms full of little baby kitties for 'doption! And invites homeless doggies to hang out in his store on weekends to find new people.
Buzzy also is helping to edumacate people about pit bulls an' how they're not mean and stuff. Every 3 months or so, he has a seminar on pit bulls, and lots of reely smart peoples to come and talks about them, and sometimes, even one of the doggies from Michael "Con-Vick's" kennels, Hector the Therapy Pit Bull, is there.
buzzy's bow wow meow,
gift card,
pit bull
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
PAWS Mutt Strut!
Hi bloggie furends! My Mommy is goin' to steal my bloggie to ask for the support of your owners, but I'll let her 'splain.
Hi! I'm Owen's Mommy. As you know, I strongly support adoption and rescue (and responsible breeding, but that's for another post). I have been volunteering for almost 3 years with the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (aka PAWS), a no-kill, all-breed rescue. Each year, near Halloween, they have their annual Mutt Strut!
This year, on Saturday, October 30, PAWS supporters (and their dogs) will walk 1.5 miles in scenic Franklin D. Roosevelt Park to raise funds and awareness for PAWS' efforts to save Philadelphia's homeless, abandoned and unwanted animals.
I have joined Team "I Shih Tzu Not," and I am asking for donations. Anything that you can contribute makes a difference.
If you would prefer, you can also make a donation of an item from the PAWS wish list (scroll to the bottom of the linked page). Please send me an email at NestLMFB{at}gmail dot com to make arrangements.
And I promise that if I receive any donations from posting this request on Owen's website, I will post advance pictures of Carl and Reese in their Mutt Strut/Halloween costumes!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Caturday Bloggie Hop!
It's that time again!

Not much is goin' on. I went to visit Mommy over Labor Day. An' for once, Mommy didn't have to Labor on Labor Day. No doggies needed walking, 'cept me, Carl an' Reese of course.
An' Mommy thinks that long walks are fun, but fer little puppies like me, they're very tiring.

An' Carl wanted to play ALL THE TIME. I was a little stressy when I first got to Mommy's new 'partment, so she kept me separated from Carl and Reese with the baby gate.
Carl didn't unnerstand that I wasn't quite ready to play yet:

But we eventually played and had lots of fun an' we went to a doggie park! Carl loves to go to this park because he can RUN and RUN and RUN until he's almost too tired to walk home again!
Reese was nice to me when we were outsides, but she didn't like me being in "her" apartment. Mommee says that she "guards resources."
An' then on Labor Day, I went back to Gramma's with Daddy.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Gots my ouchies and guess what!
Well, a couple of guess whats. I'm visiting my mommee rite now! She came to get me yesturday. And I only put the car into neutral once! (Mommee would prefer I ride in the backseat, cuz it's safer, but my HUUUUUUGE crate wuz back there, and there wasn't enuf room for little ol' me!)
So, I getted my ouchies (my rabies vacksine and my bordatella vacksine), and the vet weighed me! I loosed weight! I don't weigh 10 pounds anymore (Note from Mom: Owen weighed 105 pounds). No, I dinn't, Mommee. I weighed 10 pounds. (Whatever, Owen. You're delusional.)
So, the vet weighed me, and now I weigh 8.5 pounds! (85 pounds, Owen). Nuh-uh. 8.5 pounds. And I'm 3 months old. (You're three YEARS old.) An' I didn't lose the weight cuz of a sickie. I jus' ate less kibble (grumble grumble) and had less treats (grumble grumble).
So, I am at Mommee's new 'partment. It's smaller than our house. An' Reese and Carl are here. Mommee's frend bringed Reese to a big grassy area to say hello to me before we went back in the house. Reese was actin' all nice and stuffs, but I remember that she wuzn't very nice to me last time, and I was 'fraid of her. So, we went back to the 'partment, and I stayed in a bedroom wif Mommee, and Carl an' Reese stayed in the living room part.
In the morning, we ALL taked a walk together (Mommee's friend helped). Carl was VERY excited to see me and kep' trying to jump all over me and sniff me.
So, I'm here until Monday. I will keep updatin' if anything intresting happens.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Ouchie time
Daddee sez I need something called "shots" soon. In Pencilvania, all doggies are required to be vaccinated for rabies. I also gets Bordatella because I go to the doggie park a lot.
But did you know that the Doggie Doctors have been studying vaccines and some of them aren't necessary anymore? Most doggies used to get a shot for "coronavirus" (I've never taysted a Coronoa, cuz Daddee sez alcohol izn't for puppies - I dunno why they need to give me an ouchie against it, too).
And a group called the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) sez that you only need to get the other ouchies every 3 years -- which sounds reely good to me!
Here's moar stuff on da web 'bout ouchies:
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